1. License Permission to reproduce images is exclusive and non-transferable. Permission is granted for use in one publication and for one edition, and the digital file is to be destroyed following this one-time use. Subsequent editions and publications in different media require a separate application. No work from the collection of Museum London may be reproduced without written approval from the Museum and, if applicable, from the work’s copyright holder.
2. Identification and Credit Line Full identification of the image, as specified by the Museum on the front of this form, must appear either directly adjacent to the reproduction, on the page facing or the reverse page, in a list of illustrations or an appendix. This must include artist’s name, title, date, medium, and credit line. The credit line will include the following, provided by the Museum: Collection of Museum London, donor or acquisition information, and photographer’s credit as applicable. Abbreviations are not permitted. Requests to modify the documentation must receive written approval from the Museum.
3. Reproduction Requirements Only photographic materials provided by the Museum may be used for reproduction. Each image must be reproduced in its entirety and may not be altered in any way. This includes, but is not limited to, bleeding, cropping, printing on colour stock or with coloured ink, superimposing or overprinting, and electronic manipulation. A specific detail must be approved by Museum London, in advance, under a separate application specifying the portion or detail to be reproduced and the word “detail” must appear in the caption. Proofs of reproduction and final layout must be submitted to Museum London for final approval prior to publication.
4. Disclaimer The Museum assumes no responsibility for infringement of copyright laws, or improper or illegal use that may arise from the reproduction of works from the Museum’s collection. The Museum assumes no responsibility for any royalties or fees claimed by an artist or by his/her estate or agent. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold the Museum harmless against any and all such claims, including copyright infringement claims, royalty or fee demands and/or actions, including cost thereof, arising as a result of the applicant’s reproduction of works in the collection of Museum London.
5. Copy of Publication Upon date of publication, the applicant agrees to provide the Museum with a complete, gratis copy of the publication in which the image is reproduced. This copy should be sent, at no cost, to Museum London.
6. General The Museum reserves the right to deny permission to reproduce an image from its collection to any applicant whose product is not acceptable to the Museum for any reason. Permission to reproduce works of art or artifacts in the collection of Museum London is granted only to publications protected by copyright.
All requests for permission to reproduce an image for publication or presentation must be made in writing. Once the completed application has been received, allow a minimum of four weeks for regular requests. Orders for new photography may take longer. Payment is required before a request will be processed. If courier or express mailing is requested, those fees and/or the cost for international postage will be charged to the applicant.