Join us to celebrate the beginning of Black History Month! Enjoy refreshments, special performances, and visit community booths featuring representatives from local organizations to learn more about Black history and culture across the Forest City.
Enjoy a keynote address by George McAuley, musical performances by the Golden Harps Steel Orchestra and The Beatboxing Scientist, Andre Gibson, live performances by Helen Hibbert and a presentation by Black Graduation Coaches Tarik Kifle & Aaliyah Lamberink-Ilupeju. Misha Leona and Michelle Owusu-Ansah will introduce the Emancipation Day Poets. At 3:30 pm, attendees are invited to take part in a curator-led exhibition tour through Ukutula: Our Timeless Journeys, an expansive group exhibition inspired by African dance and music.
Don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in this annual community celebration, presented in partnership with the London Black Heritage Council (previously the London Black History Coordinating Committee).