London Life has supported the Museum since the 1970's and continues their relationship today with contributions that made the Activity Space in the Centre at the Forks possible! We were able to speak with a representative on behalf of London Life, Great-West Life, and Canada Life about their journey with us over the past 48 years.
How and when did London Life first get involved with Museum London and the Centre at The Forks Campaign?
Our relationship with Museum London dates back to the 1970’s when it was the London Regional Art Gallery. In that time, we’ve been involved through several events, programs and celebrations. Since 2003, we’ve supported Museum London’s various education programs and are proud sponsors of both the London Life Making Art Creating Community (MACC) program and the London Life Outreach Program.
As neighbours and long-time supporters, we want to be part of making the museum and its programming accessible and welcoming for all Londoners.
What is one of your favourite things about Museum London?
We’ve always been impressed with the high-quality programming for all ages and abilities, as well as Museum London’s approach to sparking creativity in people who come to the Museum. The educational programs offered by Museum London opens up a world of arts and culture to those who might not otherwise experience it. With programs such as MACC and Art Outreach, the museum connects with children and youth from under-served schools and inspires them through the arts.
What are your hopes and visions for the Activity Space once it opens?
Through the Activity Space, the Centre at the Forks aims to create new opportunities for visitors to connect with programs, exhibitions and collections — extending Museum London’s impact in the city and beyond. Its unique, interactive technologies will attract new audiences, expose existing audiences to diverse possibilities and experiences and inspire the development of young, local artists. We’re proud to be a part of this vital project.